Meet the High-Rollers!

  • Level: 4
  • Small Blind: 100
  • Big Blind: 200
  • Ante: 25
  • Chip Average: 30.9K
  • Remaining: 32
  • Entries: 33

  • The attendance for Event 4 – $10,000 + $400 No Limit Hold’em High Roller – has climbed up to 33 players, with another two and a half hours left before the registration period closes. Only one player has hit the rail so far, as local Quebec pro Yann Dion was eliminated before the first break.

    Here is an album of the players currently playing in this event:


    Final Table!

  • Level: 21
  • Small Blind: 15K
  • Big Blind: 30K
  • Ante: 3K
  • Chip Average: 582.1K
  • Remaining: 7
  • Entries: 163

  • The final table is set here in Event 3, and since this is a 6-max tournament, it will consist of 7 players. Here they are:

    • Seat 1. Garry Antonio – 440K
    • Seat 2. Ron Grover – 400K
    • Seat 3. Paul Mohorea – 1.5M
    • Seat 4. Timothy Vukson – 850K
    • Seat 5. Danny Nguyen – 230K
    • Seat 6. Pierre-Marc Lefebvre – 345K
    • Seat 7. Sabit Khandaker – 290K

    Good luck to you gentlemen!

    Down to three tables

  • Level: 17
  • Small Blind: 5K
  • Big Blind: 10K
  • Ante: 1K
  • Chip Average: 226.4K
  • Remaining: 18
  • Entries: 163

  • Event 3 has now fallen down to it’s final 3 tables of 6 players, with a total of 18 players remaining. This means we are but 1 away from the money with the tournament played hand-for-hand, and the next person eliminated will go home empty handed, while the rest will be sure to collect at least $660.

    Here are a few photos taken in the last level:

    Event 1 Champion: Brian Bond

    After 4 days of poker, one player managed to outlast a field of 1439 to claim himself champion of Event 1 in the PokerStars Canada Cup! Brian Bond navigated his way through to the final table, and then managed to survive all the way to heads-up, where he came from behind and defeated Jessie Wheatley to emerge as the winner!

    In the final hand of play, Brian found himself all-in and the flop holding 3 of a kind versus the two pair of Jessie. When the turn and river came blanks, Brian turned to his friends watching from the rail and gave them a smile that meant a million words. Jessie, who dominated the field for most of Day 3, picked up a consolation prize of $22,597!

    Congratulations Brian Bond on your win, which also comes with a PokerStars Canada Cup trophy!

    Event 1 Champion: Brian Bond, $36,230!

    Event 1 Champion: Brian BondEvent 1 Champion: Brian BondEvent 1 Champion: Brian BondLast Hand of Event 1

    2nd place: Jessie Wheatley, $22,597.

    Jessie Wheatley


    Let the Heads-Up begin!

  • Level: 34
  • Small Blind: 125K
  • Big Blind: 250K
  • Ante: 25K
  • Chip Average: 14.2M
  • Remaining: 2
  • Entries: 1439

  • With the elimination of Andrej Bachynsky in 3rd place, Event 1 is now down to heads-up play between Jessie Wheatley and Brian Bond!

    The players decided to take a short break, and will be resuming momentarily. Jessie has an edge in chips, as her 18.2M stack dwarfs Brian’s 10.2M stack, but in heads-up poker, anything can happen!

    Good luck to our two finalists!

    Event 1: Heads-Up

    4th place: Marcel Basset

  • Level: 33
  • Small Blind: 100K
  • Big Blind: 200K
  • Ante: 25K
  • Chip Average: 9.7M
  • Remaining: 3
  • Entries: 1439

  • Marcel Basset was the short stack of the final 4, and found himself all-in a few times without getting a call before he finally went heads up against Jessie Wheatley. He moved all-in from the button, and got a quick call from Jessie in the big blind.

    Marcel: Ace of Hearts 7 of Hearts

    Jessie: 8 of Spades 8 of Clubs

    Board: 8 of Diamonds 5 of Spades 10 of Spades 3 of Clubs 9 of Diamonds

    Only 3 players remain, with Jessie as the chip leader (11M), followed closely by Dave (10.7M) and finally Andrej (7.5M).

    4th place: Marcel Basset, $11,960.

    Marcel Basset

    5th place: Patrick Pilotte-Renaud

  • Level: 33
  • Small Blind: 100K
  • Big Blind: 200K
  • Ante: 25K
  • Chip Average: 7.5M
  • Remaining: 4
  • Entries: 1439

  • Patrick Pilotte-Renaud limped into the pot from under the gun, and was joined by Brian Bond from the small blind, and Jessie Wheatley from the big blind. On the flop of Ace of Hearts Queen of Diamonds 8 of Diamonds, Brian checked to Jessie, who made a bet of 400K. Patrick and Brian both called, and all three went to the turn, which brought the 2 of Spades. Brian checked once again, as did Jessie, which left the door open for Patrick to make his move. He placed a bet of 1M, and after a few moments, Brian announced his was all-in for just over 4M. This made Jessie fold, and put Patrick into the tank, as the call would be for his tournament life. He eventually threw in the chips, and they both turned over their hands.

    Patrick: King of Hearts Queen of Spades

    Brian: Ace of Diamonds 4 of Spades

    The river ( 2 of Clubs ) didn’t change anything, and Brian’s pair of aces was enough to eliminate Patrick in 5th place.

    5th place: Patrick Pilotte-Renaud, $8,810.

    Patrick Pilotte-Renaud

    6th place: Joakim Beaupre

  • Level: 32
  • Small Blind: 75K
  • Big Blind: 150K
  • Ante: 25K
  • Chip Average: 5.8M
  • Remaining: 5
  • Entries: 1439

  • Joakim Beaupre was nurturing a short stack for most of Day 3, and although he won a few key pots to survive, he recently got involved in a hand that ended his tournament. With only 2.2M left in chips, Joakim went all in from under the gun with Jack of Diamonds 10 of Clubs, and got the call from Andrej Bachynsky from the button, who was holding Ace of Spades King of Hearts.

    The board ran 5 of Spades 4 of Hearts 6 of Diamonds Jack of Spades Ace of Hearts, which was not enough to double Joakim up, as he saw his last chips get added to Andrej’s growing stack. He collected a cool $6,500 for his run.

    6th place: Joakim Beaupre, $6,500.

    Joakim Beaupre

    Update on chip counts

  • Level: 32
  • Small Blind: 75K
  • Big Blind: 150K
  • Ante: 25K
  • Chip Average: 4.9M
  • Remaining: 6
  • Entries: 1439

  • With 6 players remaining, here is how the chips are spread out:

    • Seat 2. Andrej Bachynsky – 7.80M
    • Seat 4. Marcel Basset – 3.32M
    • Seat 5. Brian Bond – 1.50M
    • Seat 7. Joakim Beaupre – 2.92M
    • Seat 8. Jessie Wheatley – 9.05M
    • Seat 10. Patrick Pilotte-Renaud – 3.72M

    The tournament is on break and will resume in a few short minutes.

    7th place: Derek Watanabe

  • Level: 31
  • Small Blind: 60K
  • Big Blind: 120K
  • Ante: 20K
  • Chip Average: 4.9M
  • Remaining: 6
  • Entries: 1439

  • We’ve just lost another player here on the final table, as Derek Watanabe was eliminated in 7th place.

    The hand started with Patrick Pilotte-Renaud opening from the button to 325K. Derek then announced he was all-in from the small blind, for a total of 1.125M, which put Andrej Bachynsky into the tank, who was in the big blind position. After a few moments of silence, Andrej announced the call, committing roughly 20% of his stack, which forced Patrick out of the hand.

    Derek: Ace of Hearts King of Spades

    Andrej:  9 of Hearts 9 of Diamonds

    Board: 4 of Hearts 7 of Diamonds Queen of Spades Jack of Spades 2 of Diamonds

    Derek got up with a smile and shook his opponents hand, then wished the remaining players good luck before making his way to the cashiers for this $4,780 prize.

    The tournament is now on a short chip-up break, and play will resume in level 32 momentarily.

    7th place: Derek Watanabe, $4,780.

    Derek Watanabe