Tournament players in Quebec all know that Marc-Olivier Carpentier-Perrault is an accomplished player both online and live – there’s simply no doubting his skill or his experience. He has used that to vault into first place within the first three levels played today, and since then he has been accumulating chips an an amazing rate – he’s already up over 11M, which means he has half the chips in play and then some.
He just played a hand against Jason James – himself a universally respected player. We arrived to see a flop of
. Jason laid out a flop bet of 475K which Marc-Olivier called. The turn came
and the action was a quick check-check, and then the river
was dealt.
At this point, Jason put out a big bet of over 1M in chips – a completely normal play with the betting lead, an opponent who has shown no particular strength in the hand, and a relatively poorly coordinated board considering the runout.
Marc-Olivier couldn’t help but grin as he threw out a single T25K chip to call – and then showed down
for two pair. “I’ve never been hit that hard by the deck,” he announced to the table as he collected his chips.
Within the next few minutes, Jason was out in 5th place for $32,000.