The Head’s up action between Gino Roland Frenette and Tomas Larivee Magni was not very long. As per standard protocol the length of the levels was reduced to 15 minutes, and the battle began.
Although they were almost evenly stacked, they played safely and they played to win. Gino gradually grinded out Tomas’s chips until the last hand.
On the last hand both men chuckled because they almost had the exact same hand:
Upon seeing the hand Tomas said: “we almost have the same hand, chop-chop probably”, and Gino nodded his approval. But, as fate would have it, the single card that was not identical was key: the 3.
The dealer laid out the flop:
and Tomas said: “No! Not the three”, with a smile.
The and the
changed nothing and Gino, in line with his entire day, won the last hand and took 1st place with the help of the 3 of hearts. Both men shook hands and anyone could see that they were starting to show signs of fatigue after 16 hours of play.
So Tomas Larivee Magni goes home in 2nd place, and Gino brings home the ring.
Congratulation to all the players!
Gino Roland Frenette – Winner – $20,000 + WSOP-C Playground Ring
Final Hand
Tomas Larivee Magni – 2nd Place – $13,960