Playground Poker Club has an active tournament scene with over 75 scheduled tournaments per month, ranging from $60 to $165 each (not including special events). At the top end of this range, tournament players frequently play with/against established professionals, while the lower end is a great introduction to tournament poker for players of all backgrounds.
Over the past few years the community has been quite strong, and the quality of play is such that those daily regulars are very comfortable playing in much bigger events – and a lot of them are in the field today.
Some of the more talented and/or experienced among our “locals” in the action today:
- Noy
- Nick Nickoletopoulos
- David Bolduc Hamel
- Luciano Iacovella
- Levon Dedayen
- Marc-Andrée Racine
- Tomas Larivee Magni
- Steve Toulch
- Linda Huard
- Dany Hamel Boulay
- Fadi Haddad
- Michael Mellor
- Jamieson Flores
- Nick Soller
- Rick Shamshoum
- Diana Shamshoum
- Andy D’Allesandro
- Kathy Sawers