Play at the final table has been quite open and the game has progressed rapidly.
First to go out was Michael Monteleone, who cashed for $150 with the new payout structure agreed to by all the players. Just 2 hands later it was Pascal Brisson’s turn to hit the rail, followed by Ronald Thibault.
A few more hands were then dealt until the hand of the final table. Players were getting ready to go for their final break of the day when a hand was dealt with Jean Pascal Gauthier on the button. Rong Xu opened the action with a shove that, although it was in no way “hidden” or subtle, Jean Pascal didn’t notice – he went all-in from the button in an attempt to steal. In any case, the small blind (Victor Soumis) had a hand, and as soon as he confirmed the counts (he covered both players), he called and it was a 3-way pot.
Jean Pascal:
Victor was well in the lead and the flop:
changed nothing. There were no miracles on the turn
or river
either, and Victor stacked up both players’ chips!