Here are the estimated chip counts after 15 levels of play in Event 2:
Table 49
Seat 1. Tina Howie – 51,500
Seat 2. Yan Fantinato – 71,500
Seat 3. Andre Pelletier – 192,000
Seat 4. Eddie Daldalian – 133,500
Seat 5. Pierre Remillard – 93,500
Seat 6. Maxime Cyr – 89,000
Seat 7. Francois Guerin – 20,500
Seat 8. Josef Ares – 125,000
Seat 9. Sylvain Gauthier – 52,000
Seat 10. Sean Ramsaroop – 36,000
Table 50
Seat 1. Bill Kontaratos – 77,000
Seat 2. Carl Laberge – 77,500
Seat 3. Alain Mathieu – 65,500
Seat 4. Steven Saab – 55,000
Seat 5. Johnny Mazzaferro – 173,000
Seat 6. Simon Bissonnette-du-Cap – 62,500
Seat 7. Martin Messier – 72,000
Seat 8. Patrick Fortin – 84,000
Seat 9. Jennifer Brooks – 92,000
Seat 10. Madis Pugi – 55,000