The players in Event #1 are now in the money as the bubble burst just seconds ago on table 58. This leaves 11 players at the tables, each of whom will earn at least $240 today – and possibly much more!
The fateful hand began with a raise to 20,000 from Brent McCue in early position, which was followed up by Justin Colicchio’s all-in for less than that from the dealer button. Raphael Tran Dinh called from the bb and they were three way to the flop with about 55K in the main pot and a small side pot – but a side pot that could grow.
The flop was
and Raphael started with a check to the raiser – who chose to add 20K to the side pot. It’s not clear if it was fortunate or unfortunate for Brent, but with the action back to Raphael he shoved all-in, sending Brent into the tank with a decision to make. It wasn’t long, though, before he made the fold and Raphael exposed his hole cards:
for flopped two pairs – well ahead of Justin’s
– and the turn
foreclosed on any chance that Justin could catch up.
Bubble player: Justin Colicchio