Players took another break, during which the T100 chips were raced off. We put together a list of players who accumulated over 200K in chips. Mathieu Boulanger-Vaugeois, former chip leader, did not make the cut, as his stack was seriously dented. Benjamin Ménard, the new Bounty captain, is sitting on over 400K, almost 4 times the average (see picture on the right)!
We caught an interesting run out between Eric Bienenstock and Paul Betten, when they got it in on the flop. Eric had , while Paul had .
That turn came with a lot of baggage , completing 2 pairs for Paul, yet bringing Eric closer to victory, having improved from a one-pair gut-shot to a one-pair open-ended flush draw! It was only a tease though, as the river card was the biggest of bricks. Paul pulled the 100K+ pot.
Here is the new leaderboard, composed of stacks 200K high or more, followed by some of their photos:
First Name | Prénom | Last Name | Nom | Stack | Tapis |
Benamin | Ménard | 406,500 |
Grant | Ellis | 322,000 |
Pierre André | Prévost | 284,500 |
Ismael | Keita | 267,500 |
Stéphane | Harvey | 238,000 |
Cynthia | Paquette | 225,000 |
Andreas | Kanakis | 213,000 |