Former chip leader Domenic Durante had now somewhat of a short stack, which he committed pre-flop against Raphaël Bernard.
Domenic Durante:
Raphaël Bernard:
The board helped neither of them, and Durante took 9th place and the associated prize, $1,390.00.
Peter Zelmer was taken out on a roller coaster showdown, when his
met Raphaël Bernard’s
board offered some emotion, hitting Zelmer’s Jack on the turn, only to complete Bernard’s straight on the river. Both players were taken out by Bernard, who now has an obscene amount of chips.
Scott Douglas Carragher suffered quite a beat against Patrick St-Onge on the other table. Carragher opened the 10K big blind to 23K, which was 3bet to 50K by St-Onge. On the
flop, Carragher checked, and St-Onge placed a continuation bet of 42K, which was called. The turn came the
, and Carragher checked once more, to see St-Onge move all-in for his remaining 105.5K. Carragher called right away, as he had flopped a set with
. But St-Onge had a surprise for him; his
had turned the nuts! When the river came clean, St-Onge scooped a huge pot and left Carragher with 6 big blinds. He doubled them up, but lost 2 hands later.
Peter Zelmer and Scott Douglas Carragher having busted simultaneously on 2 seperate tables, they share the 8th and 7th prizes. This amendment to the payouts is reflected below.
9th place: Domenic Durante, $1,390.00
8th place: Peter Zelmer, $2,105.00
7th place: Scott Douglas Carragher, $2,105.00
The final table is now ready, with Raphaël Bernard holding 40% of the chips in play. Good luck to all, and congratulations to our recent money earners on a nice performance!