8-max players are now back at their seats after enjoying a short break, during which the T25 chips have been raced off. That break also allowed us to create our first leaderboard of the night for that tournament. Jeffrey Kennedy leads the pack, followed closely by Derek Lerner, a well-known and respected tournament player on the Montreal poker scene. As you can see in the table below, it is pretty tight at the top, so any chip movement will shake this leaderboard, making it likely that our top stacks will be held by a totally different crowd by next break.
First Name | Prénom | Last Name | Nom | Stack | Tapis |
Jeffrey | Kennedy | 94,000 |
Derek | Lerner | 89,000 |
William | Blais | 85,500 |
Cédric | Bérubé | 78,500 |
Mihail | Tzonev | 77,500 |
Konstantin | Shukhman | 75,000 |
Dimitrios | Marmagkiolis | 75,000 |
Stuart | Taylor | 73,000 |
Some photographs taken during the second stint: