Top counts after the 2nd break

  • Level: 9
  • Small Blind: 400
  • Big Blind: 800
  • Ante: 100
  • Chip Average:
  • Remaining:
  • Entries: 285

The players have now completed a full 8 levels of the 13 that will be played tonight in Day 1b. During the break we took the opportunity to find the chip leaders at this point in the tournament.

It’s important to remember that having a top 5 stack now does not necessarily predict having a top 5 stack at the end of the flight – only one player in the top 5 at this point in today’s Day 1a ended up in the top 5 by the end of level 13!

  1. Joseph – 120K
  2. Anthony Fiumidinisi – 88K
  3. Joseph Zambito – 85K
  4. Jean-Paul Zeidan – 83K
  5. Kirk Sorensen, David Bolduc Hamel, David Elliott Marrache – 75K