The penultimate level of Day 2

  • Level: 25
  • Small Blind: 15k
  • Big Blind: 30k
  • Ante: 5k
  • Chip Average: 532.4k
  • Remaining: 55
  • Entries: 1464

The tournament has reached level 25, with 6 tables (55 players) still alive in the tournament. The action seemed to stabilize for a while, but ended picking back up in pace during the last level, and some former chip leaders who had surpassed the million chip mark have nevertheless been eliminated.

Stéphane Durocher and Jean-Sebastien Labonté continue to build their stacks – both have now passed the 2M mark. Stéphane grew his stack substantially by eliminating one of the earlier leaders, Luigi Fantigrossi, who lost due to a pretty bad beat.