Barrette not ready to leave just yet

  • Level: 24
  • Small Blind: 12K
  • Big Blind: 24K
  • Ante: 4K
  • Chip Average: 960.7K
  • Remaining: 7
  • Entries: 269

Jonathan Barrette saw his stack dwindle down to just 2 big blinds before finally moving it in from the small blind. He was holding 10 of Clubs 8 of Diamonds, and managed to win the hand versus Julien Fauteux Delorme’s Ace of Hearts 2 of Clubs on a 8 of Hearts King of Clubs 8 of Clubs 2 of Hearts 7 of Clubs board. On the next hand, he stole the blinds from the button, which was a substantial increase to his stack.

A few hands later, he once again moved all-in, this time for 196,000. Edouard Dupuis isolated him with a raise to 400,000, and they went heads-up to the flop.

Jonathan: Ace of Spades Queen of Hearts

Edouard: King of Clubs King of Hearts

Jonathan made two pairs on the Queen of Diamonds Ace of Hearts Jack of Spades 3 of Spades 2 of Hearts board to run his stack up to over 400,000, good for over 15 big blinds.