Dupuis chipping up

  • Level: 24
  • Small Blind: 12K
  • Big Blind: 24K
  • Ante: 4K
  • Chip Average: 960.7K
  • Remaining: 7
  • Entries: 269

Edouard Dupuis has picked up a number of chips in the last two hands. In the first hand, after investing nearly 100,000 prior to the river, he min-raised Faisal Khan’s 126,000 bet on the river of a Queen of Spades 8 of Diamonds Jack of Hearts 6 of Spades 2 of Spades board. Faisal made the call, and mucked his hand when Edouard tabled the nut flush with Ace of Spades 8 of Spades, saying under his breath that he also made the running flush.

On the very next hand, he opened from middle position to 55,000, and was 3bet to 145,000 by Daniel Jason Stelitz. After a brief moment, Edouard announced all-in for just over 800,000, which forced Daniel Jason out of the hand. He is now hovering around the 1 million chip mark.