In a preflop war with Ratharam Sivagnanam, Phillip Hui and his remaining ~1,500,000 chips found themselves all-in and needing help.
Phillip managed to pair his queen, but Ratharam then ran a flush to scoop the pot on the
With that elimination, our official final table of the 2014 WPT Montreal is now set! We will be publishing the official chip counts shortly.
Official Final Table
Seat 1. Jonathan Jaffe – 7,495,000
Seat 2. Samuel Chartier – 2,065,000
Seat 3. Guillaume Nolet – 2,060,000
Seat 4. Kevin MacPhee – 1,570,000
Seat 5. Ratharam Sivagnanam – 6,845,000
Seat 6. Mukul Pahuja – 1,900,000
7th place: Phillip Hui – $74,800
Official Final Table