When 60 places in a tournament pay, that means that the player in 61st place is the bubble player – the last player to go home empty handed. Play in the Strangers in the Night event was down to 61 players remaining when play went hand-for-hand – something done to ensure everything is fair and equitable during a critical moment in an event.
On the 4th hand of hand-for-hand play, there was a hand that developed quite slowly on Table 58, which is one of two table that thick with deep stacks at this point in the event. We missed much of the hand as there seemed to be nothing too remarkable going on until the river, but on a board reading
it seems that Omar tried to bluff the river holding
– only to be quickly called by Michael McKinnon who held more than just a bluff-catcher:
Michael increased his stack to over 660K while Omar left the Tournament Hall with nothing but some fine memories of a tournament well-played.