The second break of the evening has just finished, and the players are returning to the tables to grind it out for six more levels of play tonight. As we approached the break, play was becoming increasingly aggressive, a trend that will likely continue until the end of the night, as 72 of the original 136 players remain.
A clear chip leader, Jonathan English, emerged as he took down a huge pot against former big stack, Yonathan Moryoussef, on the last hand before the break.
Here are the current chip leaders:
First Name | Last Name | Chip Count |
Jonathan | English | 142,000 |
Nathan | Nowgesic | 103,500 |
Philippe | Oligny-Lauzon | 85,400 |
Prosper | Azoulay | 81,500 |
Nicolas | Miron | 81,300 |